Further Reading


Primary Sources

Amiot, Jean-Joseph Marie, Memoire sur la musique de Chinois (Paris, 1779).

Burney, Charles, A General History of Music (London, 1789).

Kircher, Athanasius, China illustrata (Amsterdam, 1667).

du Halde, Jean-Baptiste, General History of China (London, 1741).

Goldsmith, Oliver, The Citizen of the World (Chiswick, 1819).

Rameau, Jean-Philippe, Code de musique pratique (Paris, 1760).

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Recueil de Planches: Musiques, in Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Encyclopedie. ()

Roussier, Pierre-Joseph, Memoire sur la musique des Anciens (Paris, 1770)

Secondary Literature

Benjamin A. Elman, On their own terms: Science in China 1550-1900 (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2005).

Marcia Reed, Paula Dematte, eds., China On Paper (Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2011)

Adrienne Ward, Pagodas in Play: China on the 18th-century Opera Stage (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2010), Ch. 2

David Clarke, “An encounter with Chinese music in mid-18th-cenutry London,” Early Music 38/4 (2010), 543-557.

Jim Levy, “Joseph Amiot and Enlightenment Speculation of the Origin of Pythagorean Tuning in China,” Theoria 4 (1989)

Peter Allsop and Joyce Lindorff, "Teodorico Pedrini: The Music and Letters of an 18th-century Missionary in China," Vincentian Heritage Journal 27/2 (2004).

Joyce Lindorff, “Missionaries, Keyboards and Musical Exchange in the Ming and Qing Courts” Early Music (August 2004).

Gerlinde Gild, “The Evolution of Modern Chinese Musical Theory and Terminology under Western Impact,” in Michael Lackner and Natascha Vittinghoff (Leiden: Brill, 2004), Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China.


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